How to Dry Brush

Wake up with Invigorating Garshana — also called Dry Brushing

Dry brushing, called garshana in Sanskrit, wakes up your mind and metabolism, improves immunity, removes cellular waste, and increases natural glow. Treat yourself to this activating ritual in the morning before bathing.

How to Dry Brush

  1. First, select your tool from the list at right. A raw silk glove is more gentle, while a bristled brush will provide a more vigorous experience.

  2. Disrobe completely and begin. Start at your feet and hands, brushing the tops and bottoms with short, rapid brush strokes.

  3. Next, move to your limbs, applying longer brush strokes with as much vigor as feels good. Try more circular strokes on the joints. Always stroke toward your heart to stimulate lymphatic flow.

  4. Complete by moving the brush in clockwise circles (looking down) on your abdomen to encourage proper digestion, and reaching around to brush your back and shoulders.

Note: Always practice on an empty stomach.

When to dry brush

Dry brushing is a stimulating, energizing and kapha-reudcing practice. It is best to dry brush during time when kapha is more robust.

  • Kapha of time — 6:00 - 10:00 am

  • Kapha time of year — Spring

Because kapha is inherently heavy, dry brushing is a great way to to prevent stagnation in the spring. When kapha is stagnant, we often feel cold in the body, cloudy in the mind, and heavy in our emotions. Dry brushing helps keep kapha light and bright in order to counter any stagnation that has built up.

When kapha is balanced and healthy, you feel grounded, stable, loving, resilient and juicy. Harness the kapha energies of the spring season and feel your best by warming up, getting moving and staying active.

Benefits of dry brushing

  • Exfoliates dead skin

  • Activates circulation

  • Encourages lymph flow

  • Supports immune function

  • Reduces dull skin to reveal natural glow

  • Stimulating and energizing

  • Wakes up metabolism

  • Removes cellular waste

Curious about spring cleansing with Ayurveda?

join us for the next Reset for Resilience

“Highly Recommend!”

This is a gentle approach to a cleanse, making it manageable and something that I feel I can continue afterwards! Other cleanses have been so “all or nothing” and I often would plunge back into old habits immediately after. With this one, I am easily eating healthier by choice. I am resting and listening to my body. I couldn’t do the cleanse exactly like it is designed because I had work and family commitments but the design of it makes me still feel successful. The focus is on the journey!
— Kim W

“best. Reset. ever."

It helped me cultivate more energy, peace, and health than I had felt ever before.
— Megan L